
Sunday, 4 July 2010

30 day challenge - Day 6

Day 6 of the challenge is whatever tickles your fancy so I'm starting a monthly feature called.....'Products I'm going to use up'! Imaginative and catchy I hear you say! Yes it pretty much does what it says on the tin, I'm going to try and use up a selection of items before then off the month. This will then make way for new products to try and review.

At the beginning of each new month I will say which products I managed to use and I'll review any which I though were good and then start again with a new set of products.

This month I'm going use up the following products (apologies for the background of the photo):

They are:
  • Toni and Guy brunette blow dry spray
  • Herbal essences rainforest flowers shampoo (as this is discontinued you can tell how long I've had it)
  • Herbal Essences beautiful ends conditioner
  • Avon aloha shower gel
  • Avon waterbabe shower gel
  • Ann Summers Boudoir body cream
  • Soap and Glory flake away body scrub
  • Body Shop sweet lemon body scrub
  • L'occitane cherry blossom hand cream
  • L'occitane candied rose handcream
  • L'occitane verbena footcream
So I have until Saturday 31st July to finish these off and then on the 1st August I'll report on how I've done!

1 comment:

  1. I'm doing something similar and love the satisfaction of finishing products. How sad I know! lol x
