
Saturday, 28 August 2010

Review - Clinique and B.Liv

Clinique - 3 things to do before your 30.
I've only ever tried 1 Clinique product before, an eyeshadow set, and I wasn't that impressed. Then when I saw on another blog about their '3 things to do before you 30' product giveaway I jumped at the chance to try them.

(L-R: Liquid facial soap, clarifying lotion and dramatically different moisturising lotion)

I used these religiously for the past week and a bit and boy oh boy I wasn't impressed.

Ok, so the liquid facial soap I quite liked. It got off my make-up and left my face feeling clean but then you use the clarifying lotion....

Firstly I don't know why it's called a lotion because it's a liquid and then there's the smell. Alcohol. Ewww not nice. I put it on my skin and it left it feeling horrible. But the dramatically different moisturising lotion didn't change this. After I applied it, it took ages to sink in, left my skin tacky and it seemed to make my pores on my cheeks look huge which I had never noticed before.

Overall I wouldn't buy these products again and I wouldn't recommend them. The only good thing I have to say it that the sample sizes were quite big. I ran out of the clarifying 'lotion' first but the dramatically different lotion would last for ages but I threw it away.

B.Liv - Off with those heads.
I'd never heard of this brand before until May on her blog gave readers the chance to get a free sample.

B.Liv is by Cellnique which is an American company and it's products are aimed at teenagers and young adults with problem skin.

The product I tried is called 'off with their heads' and it aims to remove black and white heads in 14 days without having to squeeze them and it also prevents them from reappearing.

The clear gel gets applied onto problem areas after cleansing/washing but before moisturising.

I used this morning and evening for about a week and I can honestly say that I did see an improvement.

I would buy this product and use it on a daily basis. B.Liv do ship this internationally and prices are: 30ml $49 (approx. £31) and 45ml $63 (approx. £40).


  1. shame the 3 step didnt work for you x

  2. I've also tried lots of Clinique products before and haven't been much impressed by none of them. All of them worked, but it didn't justify the premium price.

    The only product I swear by it is the clarifying lotion 2. It gently exfoliates your skin on a daily basis. My skin feels quite fresh after using it.

    I have seen their new serum and it promisses to deliver amazing results... I really want to try it, but I'm concerned it won't be as good as it sounds!
