
Sunday, 13 February 2011

The week that was....

This week has flown by! I haven't really done much but I haven't stopped all week!

The boyfriend was on a course again this week so I was home alone tuesday - thursday but I spent it cleaning and getting stuff ready for the charity shop!

This weekend I've spent it listing things on ebay. As it's free listing weekend I don't mind spending the majority of it uploading my items as if they don't sell it doesn't cost me anything! So far I have 64 items on so fingers crossed the majority will sell as I need another £50 for my car tax fund! It feels good to sell things in order to raise money for something specific.

Apologies for the somewhat lack of blog posts this week, I had a few planned but haven't had time to finish them and get them posted so I'm going to do those in a minute and schedule them for this next week.

Hope you all had a good week!

Image from weheartit

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