
Sunday, 24 April 2011

The week that was....

Just a super speedy post this week as it's mainly revolved around a certain wedding. No, not Will and Kate's but my friends, Kerry and Chris's. They got married yesterday and I was bridesmaid. A piccy is below for anyone who is interested.

It was a challenge to find a photo where I wasn't pulling a weird face, looked really fat or where my dress looked awful!

Now about my dress. Last week I said about me and Kerry thinking that they ordered the wrong size dress for me and that's why it had to be took in so much, well when I put it on in the morning the label said it was a size 22!!!!! Never in a million years have I been a frigging size 22!

So after 4 people tried to zip me in it including the photographer (the dress wasn't too small, the zip was shite), I checked in the mirror that it was straight and my all in one lycra slimming suite thingy wasn't showing, there was a bulge on the right hand side just under my arm where it hadn't been taken it right and the material was too baggy which made the right hand side fall down. It looked awful and all day I was putting it up and the bone in the dress was too big and has left me with a sore red mark under my armpit.

When I got home, my mum unzipped me before going home because there was know way I could have got it undone on my own, I went to take off my all in one bodysuite, forgot I had body tape on and ripped half my skin off! It bloody hurt.

But apart from all that the day was amazing!

And some more exciting news, if you follow me on Twitter you probably already know, but I have a new job! Yey! It's only temporary for a year but it's full time and in the job sector that I want so all's good!

And I have just literally found out I've won Sherrie's MAC giveaway on her blog! So all in all it's been a fab week! Check out her blog here and make sure you follow because it's one of my favourites!


  1. Thats lovely hun! One of my very close friends got engaged yesterday and asked me to be her chief bridesmaid so excited!! :) x

  2. Aww it is exciting! Everyone thought it would be cold with it being April but it was so hot! Too hot to be honest but we all had a fab time! Still doesn't make me want to get married though! x
