
Monday, 6 June 2011

When life gives you lemons.... make lemonade.

I've had one of those weeks so this is an alternative 'the week that was' post.

Las week I was home alone as Chris was away in France/Belgium visiting his mum so I had a chilled out relaxing time and on Sunday I went shopping with my mum as she'd been on holiday for two weeks. Haul post will be up soon.

This week is my last week off for the foreseeable future as I start my new full time job on Monday. Scary stuff but kind of exciting.

I'm going to try to write and schedule a few posts, probably up until the end of June, as I don't think I'll have time to blog as my body adjusts to full time work!

I've decided to get a new car towards the end of the year, hopefully they'll still be some good finance offers on. I've also been trying to get quote for my car insurance which is due at the end of the month.

Also I was disgusted to find out Chris is going down and helping deliver things for Glastonbury. I've wanted to go to this festival for as long as I can remember and the person who is least interested in it in the world is going. And he can't even get an tickets.

Last night I got my daily job email from the NHS showing new jobs which have been listed and my perfect job in the perfect hospital came up and it's a permanent position. Bloody typical. But I might not have got it so I just have to think that I'm lucky to have got a job even though it'll be a pain with all the travelling.

My computer also got attacked by a virus too. For all fellow Mac users you'll know this is VERY rare but I got rid of it. So if any of you see anything about Mac Shield that is an anti-virus software, don't touch it as it is a virus. But it is easily got rid of.

And back to my blog, if there's anything you want to see reviewed which are off my hauls posts let me know and I'll try to get it done or if you want to see any particular posts also let me know, preferably by Sunday!

Oh and as it's my birthday at the end of the month I've got a cheeky blog giveaway in mind so keep your eyes peeled!


  1. you could still apply for the NHS one anyway? x

  2. @Elizabeth - I thought about it but my new job is also with the NHS and I don't think they'd appreciate it if I asked for a day off to attend an interview! I know the department where the other job is in is going through a big expansion so hopefully some more jobs will come up *fingers crossed* x

  3. I'm looking forward to your haul!:D
    I'm hosting a giveaway on my blog, do join in. :)
    I'm your new follower!
