
Saturday, 31 December 2011

The year that was...2011

2011. This has been a year where my life has completely changed. In January I was happy with my boyfriend, living on our own and working two days a week in my job in retail. By the time it was July I was single, had a full time job in the NHS and by the time October came I was living back with my mum and dad. This was a massive change after 5 years. I wouldn't have thought now, a year on, this is how my life would be. But I'm happy and thats the main thing! Oh and have more money ;-)

At the beginning of 2011 I set myself a number of goals to try to achieve, so how well did I do:

  • Get a decent job - yes I got a full time job in the NHS which is what I wanted. It's a shame I just hate my job!
  • Pay my mum and dad off - my dad said that as far as he was concerned I owed them nothing and not to worry about it! Can't complain at that!
  • Learn how to sew - nope this didn't happen. I think this may have been a phase!
  • Make soaps and bath bombs - I would still love to do this but due to having next to no spare time I haven't made any
  • Read more often - again, due to a lack of spare time I haven't managed to work my way through my book collection
  • Start saving again - yes! I have saved about £1800 but spent half of it on a new car but I keep on putting money in my savings account
  • Loose weight - I'm not doing the whole diet thing but I am slowly loosing weight
  • Start actively crafting again - I try to do bits and bobs of crafting but again due to a lack of spare time I don't do as much as I'd like

So I managed to complete 4 out of my 8 goals which isn't that bad and I did start a Day Zero list which I'm doing well on. If you haven't heard of Day Zero it's where you basically write a list of 101 things you want to achieve in 1001 days and here's my list (completed tasks are crossed through):

Buy a new car
Give blood
Pay my mum and dad back
Save £2,000 (£900 saved so far)
Eat vegetarian for a week
Watch the sunrise on a beach
Watch a sunset on a beach
Write a list of 50 things I like about myself
Take one photo everyday for a month
Find a job that I love
Try 20 new recipes (1/20)
Write a letter to myself to be opened when 1001 days is over
Pay off my debts
Write another list of 101 things to do in the next 1001 days
Drink 5 cocktails I've never tried (1/5)
Stop drinking fizzy pop for a month
Don't drink alcohol for a month
See a psychic and get my fortune told
Travel to another country
Identify 101 things that make me happy
Put away £25 for every goal I complete (£150 saved)
Get in the best shape of my life
Have a romantic weekend away
Write a journal everyday for a month
Read at least 10 books (1/10)
Stay up all night
Go to a gig/concert/show
Visit somewhere in England I've never been before
Go on a non-essential spending ban one month every year
Make a playlist of my 101 favourite songs
Get a facial
Make a new friend
See a movie in 3D
Visit another continent
See a comedian live
Eat 3 things I've never tried before
Make ice cream from scratch
Grow my hair past my shoulders
Build a snowman
Get a job closer to home
Visit Ireland
Treat my family to a meal twice yearly
Take a full length photo of me everyday for a year
Spend a rainy day watching movies in my PJ's
Try sushi
Keep a 'my day in 6 words' journal for 6 months

Ok so I only have a list of 46 goals so far but I have completed 6 of them and I have until the 23rd February 2014 to complete them! You can track my progress by clicking on the link under my blog header or by clicking here.

2012 is going to be a complete fresh start and I'm looking forward to it! So here we go.....

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