
Sunday, 18 March 2012

Day Zero Project - Take a photo everyday for a month: week one

As a part of my Day Zero Project everyday in March I am taking a photo to show what I've been up to and doing. Here is week one of photos.

1st March - Packing 

2nd March - Baking cupcakes 

3rd March - Shopping goodies 

 4th March - This is supposed to show you it snowing but it doesn't!

5th March - Eating mini eggs in bed 

6th March - Eating a banoffee sundae in bed 

7th March - Buying a size 16 item of clothing and it fitting for the first time in years!

Week two's photo's will be up next weekend!

1 comment:

  1. well done on your size 16 achievement! So much easier to put the weight on than get it off.
