
Saturday, 31 March 2012

Product use up: January to March

This used to be my monthly post to show what products I've used up in the past month but I decided to post it every month months instead and this is my first post of the year. So what have I used up?

Face cream - 5
Shower gel - 4
Shampoo - 4
Deodorant - 3
Conditioner - 2
Face wipes - 2
Body scrub - 2
Hairspray - 1
Dry shampoo - 1
Face wash - 1
Cleanser - 1
Hand cream - 1
Hair straightening spray - 1

Total: 28 empties!

Alot of these were mini's and sample sizes but these are what tend to get left for ages in my stash so I'm still quite please that I've used them up.

How well have you done recently?


  1. 28 empties, WOW! Congrats hun! That TBS Banana shampoo must smell sooooo yummy!

  2. Why are hair products and deodorant the quickest things we use? I do shower and wash my face everyday too!

  3. @Gaby - the body shop banana shampoo & conditoner really does smell amazing! X

    @skin scrubs - haha I don't know! Lol x
