
Monday, 17 December 2012

No! No! Update - WARNING contains photos of my hairy leg


I bought my No! No! hair removal device way back in December last year from QVC and I did promise to keep you all update on my progress but I've failed. I've only posted one update post all year. Which was back in February. Yes I'm a bad blogger!

Well incase you don't know what a No! No! device looks like here is mine:

I bought mine from QVC as it was on a 3 pay promotion where you split the cost over 3 months and as it's over £100 it made good sense to do this. Also you get a 30 day money back guarantee if you don't like it. This I believe has now been extended to 90 days only for the No! No! device on QVC which is great news if you want to give it a good try before committing to buying. If you don't know how it works then click here for an explanation on my previous posts.

Well I've used mine on and off over the last year, I have to admit probably more off than on but I find that it is a little time consuming and my parents moan when I use it because the smell of burning hair wafts through the house so I try to use it when they're out. Saying that I haven't used it as much as I'd like but I have had to buy replacement Thermicon Tips because mine stopped working so I probably have used it more than I thought, either that or I'm really hairy!

But anyway, I've previously shown how well the No! No! works on my arms but today I've been brave and got my legs out. Previously I used to epilate which I did see a slight reduction in hair growth but since using the No! No! I've noticed a big reduction in regrowth on my legs.

The picture below is showing regrowth between sessions:

I don't think this is too bad but you can see how patchy it is showing where hair has stopped growing.

It does take me a good half and hour to do both legs properly and here is the result of one No! No! session on the same leg:

There are still a few hairs that are left which I just run a razor over next time I shower but you could get away with wearing a skirt straight away after. Oh another thing I always use a good body lotion or butter after as I find that the heat from the device drys my skin out terribly.

Overall I am really pleased with the results I have noticed since I bought the No! No! last year. I am definitly going to continue to use it but I'm going to make more of an effort to use it so hopefully I'll see more results soon.

Even though I haven't updated as much as I'd have liked I hope I've given a few of you inspiration to maybe try out this system one day. Yes it is an awful lot of money but in my eyes it's well worth it. I only wish I'd bought this earlier.

Anyway I hope I haven't scared you off with the photos of my milky white legs and please let me know if you've tried the No! No! or are going to try it out now!

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