
Sunday, 3 March 2013

The month that was....February

Wow February flew by, so fast in fact that I am behind on my end of month posts, whoops!

Firstly February brought us snow....again. The white stuff well and truly out stayed it's welcome so fingers crossed it's now gone for another year.

I also finally got to see Strictly Come Dancing on tour! I took my mum and we were sat so close to the stage and it was an amazing show! I've already decided I'm going again next year!

February also marked the start of Lent which has been an epic fail this year. Normally I give up chocolate or fizzy pop but as I'm going on holiday smack bang in the middle of it I wouldn't be able to give up these so I decided to give up tea but that didn't last. Oh well there's always next year.

Me and my friend Laura also booked tickets for the Big Reunion tour in May! This is really exciting as Five and B*Witched were two of my favourite bands when I was growing up and as I haven't been to a pop concert in years I literally can't wait!

So that was my February, I hope you had a good one!

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