
Sunday, 27 March 2011

The week that was....

Oooo it's been a couple of weeks since my last post so lets do a quick update.

As you may remember I had a job interview. It went really well, everyone seemed really nice and I would have liked to have worked there. But..... I didn't get the job :-( But....they said that they really liked me and I was really impressive but they thought I had more potential and have kept my details and told me to keep a look out for 2 other jobs which are healthcare based as I would be perfect for one of those. So it wasn't all bad.

And then on Friday at work I had a phone call from another hospital which I had applied for a job to asking if I would attend an interview on Thursday! This is for the same job but in another department and it is further way and only for a year fixed term temporary. I'm going to go but the travelling is putting my off but hey we'll see what happens.

The hen weekend was amazing! We all had such a laugh! We went to Center Parcs which for us is only about 15-20 mins away at Sherwood Forest and 16 of us went. On Friday we just settled in and had a laugh, Saturday was spent in the swimming pool, bowling and then a PJ party at night, Sunday was a relaxing day and Monday we went bowling again and then came home at 3pm.

After that I've spent most of this week recovering! Luckily I wasn't back at work until Wednesday and then again on Friday so now I've pretty much recovered. Except for the amount of food I consumed. Not good for the Fifty Fit diet some of us are doing!

And finally just some photo's to brighten your Sunday afternoon (all from weheartit):


  1. Aw, am sorry to hear you didn't get the job, but it is good they liked you and kept your details. Love the look of those macaroons! xx

  2. @ Nicole - The Macaroons do look scrummy! Aww thanks hun,yeah it was a shame, they could have given me the job until something else came up, meanies! :-)
