
Friday, 25 March 2011

First year blogversary!

Today is my blogs 1st birthday!

"Happy birthday blog!"

On the 25th March 2010 my first post was a review of Rimmel's 60 second nail polish and after re-reading it I have discovered that I still hardly wear nail polish and still have far too much stuff! Click the link above to understand!

Since starting blogging I've found some fab blogs, I've been trying to remember which blogs I discovered first but I can't remember many except for these:

I've been featured on Lily Loves Lola on Victoria's 5 good things post, on Soap & Glory's Facebook page after reviewing their No Clogs Allowed! and on Naked Bodycare's Facebook gallery (here and here).

I've also been lucky enough to win 4 blog giveaways:
So thank you for picking me!

No abit about my blog. My all time most read posts (if anyone is interested!) are these:
There are some others but these were blog giveaways and christmas posts which are now irrelevant!

Whilst blogging I've also met some lovely, amazing and fabulous people on Twitter. It's amazing how people you've never met can be so lovely, caring and supportive. I've also found some fab blogs which I love to read and special mentions go to:

There are many more I love, basically if I follow your blog I love to read it! But I can't list everyone on here!

But........................thank you to everyone who is following (currently 190 of you) and I hope you'll like my upcoming blog posts, there's lots in the pipeline so keep your eyes peeled!

Sorry that this post is a little chaotic and photo's are borrowed from weheartit!


  1. Happy blogversary :) I missed mine, it was back in January! Hope you keep up the blogging! Thank you for the mention :) xx

  2. @Olivia - No probs hun! Yes will keep blogging, just abit out of the swing of things at the mo but got loads of things I want to blog about! x

  3. aww congrats on one year!! time flies when your blogging :D

  4. Happy Bloggy Birthday dear! It's great that there have been so many bloggers that have celebrated one year this month. Keep up the good work, at some point you and I will have to meet up somewhere in Robin Hood Country! xoxo

  5. @steph - Aww thanks hun! x

    @skin scrubs - Yeah we should try to meet up, would be nice to meet a fellow blogger! x

  6. Happy blogversary :)

    Sarah xx
